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Course curriculum

    1. Lesson 1: Incentive Spirometer Prepping

    2. Lesson 2: Respiratory Muscle Training Exercise

    3. Lesson 4: Pulse Oximetry

    4. Lesson 5: Coughing

    5. Lesson 6: Mini Squats

    6. Lesson 7: Purse Lip Breathing

    1. Lesson 1: Incentive Spirometry Overview

    2. Lesson 2: Respiratory Muscle Training Exercise

    3. Lesson 3: Effects of Exercise, Stress, & Rest on the Body

    4. Lesson 4: Interactive Therapy: Stretching

    5. Lesson 5: Warmup

    6. Lesson 6: Hand-Bike 10 Minute Workout

    1. Lesson 1: Aerobic Exercise

    2. Lesson 2: Legs

    3. Lesson 3: Interactive Therapy: Stretching

    4. Lesson 4: Pulse Check

    5. Lesson 5: Purse Lip Breathing

    1. Lesson 1: Aerobic Exercise

    2. Lesson 2: Legs

    3. Lesson 3: Interactive Therapy: Stretching

    4. Lesson 4: Cardiac Diet

    1. Lesson 1: Arms and Shoulders: Strength Training

    2. Lesson 2: Upright Pulls

    3. Lesson 3: Interactive Therapy: Stretching

    4. Lesson 4: Interactive Beginning Yoga

    5. Lesson 5: Stress Management: Guided Meditation

    1. Lesson 1: Respiratory Muscle Training Exercise

    2. Lesson 2: Front Deltoid Raise

    3. Lesson 3: Interactive Exercise: Shoulder Press

    4. Lesson 4: Interactive Therapy: Stretching

    5. Lesson 5: Warmup

    6. Lesson 6: Hand-Bike 10 Minute Workout

About this course

  • $9.99
  • 33 lessons